File a complaint

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Scarborough Soccer Association (NS)

This complaint form will be received in its entirety by Ontario Soccer's Independent Third Party, ALIAS.

While filing your complaint, you contribute to improve your situation and sports environment by promoting values such as respect, integrity and fairness throughout the organization.

1 – Description of your complaint. *

Describe the facts that led you to file a complaint. Provide as many details as possible, such as background, involvement of others, sources of information, financial values and other facts that may be useful in processing your complaint (who, when, how, where, why).

Please attach any document or file that may back up your complaint (optional).

Drag and drop your documents on this page or click on the button to upload them directly from your computer.

2 – Has the situation you wish to report caused prejudice to a person (victim)? *

2.1 – Identification of the victim.

Specify their name, telephone number and e-mail address.

2.2 – How old is the victim?

2.3 – What is the victim's role within the club, league or district ?

Ex. Player, parent, coach, administrator, volunteer, employee, referee or official

2.4 – What is the name of the team of the victim (if applicable)?

3 – Details of the place where the situation occurred.

Ex. Name of the city, in a locker room or on the field, on social media

4 – How did you find out about the situation?

4.1 – Identification of the person who told you about the situation.

If you wish, you can provide their name and all other useful information.

5 – Identify the person targeted by your complaint.

Specify the name of the person who committed the wrongdoing or deviated from expectations. Provide as much detail as possible, such as contact information (telephone number, e-mail address) and any other information deemed relevant.

6 – What is the role within the club, league or district  of the person targeted by your complaint?

Ex. Player, parent, coach, administrator, volunteer, employee, referee or official

7 – What is the name of the team of the person targeted by your complaint (if applicable)?

8 – As far as you know, did it happen many times?

9 – When did the situation first occur?

10 – If possible, tell us the dates and time (or timeframe) during which it happened.

Ex. On June 12 at 7:00 p.m., the meeting lasted 20 minutes.

11 – Is higher management of the club, league or district  aware of this situation?

12 – Was there an intervention to resolve this situation?

12.1 – Tell us about any action taken to raise awareness amongst those concerned or to address the situation.

Please provide the name of the persons involved in the intervention, the actions that were taken and all other useful information.

13 – Identify all the people who witnessed the situation.

Please provide their name and all other useful information.

14 – What is your role or implication within the club, league or district ?

Ex. Player, parent, coach, administrator, volunteer, employee, referee or official

15 – What are your expectations following this complaint?

Please describe the actions, remedies or sanctions you would like to be applied.  

16 - Please provide the sections of the Code of Conduct and Ethics that the person targeted by your complaint breached.

Please consultAppendix B1 of the Ontario Soccer Policies document for more information. 

Your contact information

Feel free to provide your name and contact information. 

If you enter your contact information, the Independent Third Party handling your complaint will communicate with you to obtain additional information if it is deemed necessary.

If you choose to remain anonymous, we suggest that you access ALIAS Reporting Service on a regular basis in order to answer follow-up questions or provide further details that may be necessary. This is a way for you to complete your report by providing us anonymously with more information and thereby contribute to making sure that your organization follows up on your report.

Create your password

Your username will be generated after clicking on the “Submit” button.

The password below has been automatically generated. You can change this password before sending your report. If you choose to change it, your password must contain between 12 and 30 characters, including at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character (for example $%&*?).

* Required field

The ”1 – Description of your complaint.” field is required.